Assassination Nation Review

If you’re looking for a good time with weapons and blood look no further you have found it. Assassination Nation is a fun filled movie with all the action and blood you could want with a whole bunch of comments on our current online obsession and social media driven world. This movie will give you what u want with a lot of blood did I mention that before cause its very reminiscent of the grind house movies that Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez made. The story is very much an us against the world type of film very survival horror type. The horror in this movie comes from all the whacked out characters in this movie losing it in this film. The movie dices into the present with how people get hacked a lot of their private life is exposed to the world and how that can effect their day to day lives once it all goes public. The crazy part is that I think they nail it pretty well with how people judge based off of little details without taking a real look at the person and not judging or going over bored with outrage. The best qualities in this movie are great little twists that all the different characters take once this ish hits the fan. They all change so much from the character they started off as to become wild and more unhinged to become killers and what not. I say go see it you’ll enjoy it just be open to the violence and all the crazy things they name off at the beginning of the movie lol.