Reserve Your Spot in the First-Ever Escape From Alcatraz Aquathlon


What’s the best way to break out of a pandemic-induced fitness rut? Put a race on your calendar. And this summer’s race schedule is raring up to be a good one: The organizers of the iconic Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon are launching the first-ever ESCAPE Aquathlon, a swim-run event that follows a picturesque course in beautiful San Francisco Bay. Whether you’re an accomplished triathlete or a beginner looking for a memorable challenge, this race has something for everyone.



The inaugural Aquathlon will take place on Aug. 14, 2021 (the day before the Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon) and follows a course that’s similar to the world-famous tri, albeit with shorter distances and no cycling portion. Just like the triathlon, you’ll start the swim portion of the race by leaping off the deck of The San Francisco Spirit (how’s that for an adrenaline rush?), then hustle through a 750-meter course back to shore. After, you’ll transition into a 5K run that loops out along the shore and back, offering expansive views of San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. The Aquathlon promises a fun challenge amid the same incredible backdrop that’s made the Escape From Alcatraz so popular for the past 40 years.

The Aquathlon makes a great entry-level race if a full triathlon is out of your comfort zone, or if you’re not a fan of cycling. It’s also an exciting event for experienced triathletes, too: Organizers recommend it as a warmup for the full tri the next day, and it’s a great way to get a taste for what the larger course will be like before you take the plunge (literally) on Sunday.

There’s even some extra hardware involved. To commemorate the first-ever Aquathlon, every participant who completes both events that weekend—the so-called “Back to Back Challenge”—will receive a stainless steel beer mug and the honor of being among the first group of athletes to successfully finish both events in the same year.

It costs $320 to sign up, and registration is now open. But hurry—prices go up once the first batch of slots sells out, and the registration is capped at 400 participants. Register here to reserve your spot.

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This content first appear on mensjournal