Army of the Dead review – Zack Snyder’s zombie splatterfest is a wit-free zone | Movies

[ad_1] Zombies. They grunt. They lurch inelegantly through dystopian ruined streets, sometimes breaking into an athletic sprint. They stare sightlessly ahead, often with irises that glitter in the post-apocalyptic sunset with some nameless infection. Sometimes they shriek through hideously distorted mouths from which the flesh has already been half-eaten away, as they are blasted with […]

After the Snyder Cut, all bets are off for a new Ben Affleck Batman movie | Movies

[ad_1] Zack Snyder certainly pulled off a shock with his completely transformed, outlandishly extended cut of Justice League, a genuine lockdown treat that managed to prove DC ensemble movies can be easily as beguiling as those made by Marvel – provided film-makers are given the time and space. The problem is, Warner Bros-owned DC has […]

Zack Snyder’s Justice League review – four hours of geek-pleasing grandeur | Film

[ad_1] It started as a hashtag: a cheekily insurgent social-media campaign against big media corporations who presume to tell superhero devotees what’s good for them. Enraged by DC’s lacklustre Justice League movie in 2017 – which director Zack Snyder had to abandon during postproduction after a family tragedy, and which an uncredited Joss Whedon re-shot […]

‘Snyder cut’ of Justice League accidentally released on HBO Max | Justice League

[ad_1] The long-awaited “Snyder cut” of the superhero movie Justice League was accidentally released on streaming service HBO Max on Monday, before being removed. According to the Hollywood Reporter, customers who were attempting to access the new Tom and Jerry movie found that instead the service played Zack Snyder’s Justice League, which is due to […]

Hear me out: why Sucker Punch isn’t a bad movie | Film

[ad_1] Expecting subtlety from a Zack Snyder film is a fool’s errand, and critical response to that consistently extra quality hasn’t always been kind. But few of his films have been as reviled as 2011’s Sucker Punch, which was released to an onslaught of negative reviews – and is actually a lot more entertaining than […]