Best Golf Tech to Elevate Your Game

[ad_1] Golfers love gadgets. That’s why there are gizmos galore promising radical improvement in all facets of a player’s game. But here’s the thing, there’s no device that will magically give you Tiger Woods’ skill on the course. A golfer’s abilities are earned with practice, hard work, and experience. Players have to invest in and […]

Overshare: are there any good films about social media? | Movies

[ad_1] There are several elements of Mainstream, Gia Coppola’s dark satire of YouTube stardom released in theaters this month, that resemble a stick-figure rendering of internet fame. The film, written by Coppola, supposes that a technophobic, shady drifter named Link (Andrew Garfield) morphs, under the guidance of aspiring film-maker Frankie (Maya Hawke) into a messianic, […]

Amazon in talks to buy Hollywood studio MGM for $9bn | Amazon

[ad_1] Amazon is in talks to acquire MGM, the Hollywood studio behind the James Bond and Rocky franchises, in a $9bn (£6.3bn) deal. MGM, which put itself up for sale in December, is one of the few Hollywood studios with “crown jewel” franchises not to have been snapped up in the recent wave of mega […]

The 15 greatest video games of the 70s – ranked! | Games

[ad_1] 15. Pong (1972, Atari)It wasn’t the first video game; it wasn’t even the first ping-pong game – Table Tennis on the Magnavox Odyssey got there earlier. Pong was, however, the game that kickstarted the video arcade and home console industries, the profitability of its hardware and the simplicity of the gameplay – just two […]

Why I am deleting Goodreads and maybe you should, too | Books

[ad_1] I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed reading a book where my enjoyment wasn’t tied to the euphoric sense of achievement I got from finishing it. This is not because I don’t love reading, or would rather watch television. No, it’s because of a little app on my phone called Goodreads. Home to […]

Gaming in colour: uncovering video games’ black pioneers | Games

[ad_1] In the 1970s, in the fledgling days of the video games industry, an engineer named Gerald “Jerry” Lawson designed one of the earliest game consoles, the Channel F, and also led the team that invented the game cartridge, a defining innovation in how games were made and sold. His son, Andersen Lawson, recalls that […]