Nude selfies: are they now art? | Books

[ad_1] Have you ever sent a nude selfie? The question draws a thick red line between generations, throwing one side into a panic while the other just laughs. And yet, as far back as 2009, that fount of moral wisdom, Kanye West, was advising how to stay safe. “When you take the picture cut off […]

The cosiest comfort reads to curl up with this Christmas | Books

[ad_1] Even if you feel you have had more “curling up quietly at home” time than is strictly necessary this year, finding a good Christmas read is still an extremely pleasant yuletide activity, to add to your newer pleasant yuletide activities of not having to go to your office party and not tearing off your […]

Unseen Shirley Jackson story to be published | Shirley Jackson

[ad_1] A “lost” story by Shirley Jackson, in which the author of The Haunting of Hill House shows a microcosm of the racism and sexism in US society through a dissatisfied woman’s trip to a corner shop, is being published for the first time. Adventure on a Bad Night follows Vivien as she goes out […]