Crude, obscene and extraordinary: Jean Dubuffet’s war against good taste | Art

[ad_1] Which great artist of the 20th century has been most influential on the 21st? Neither Picasso nor Matisse, as they have no heirs. And not Marcel Duchamp, however much we genuflect before his urinal. No, the artist of the last century whose ideas are everywhere today was a wine merchant who took street art […]

Wonder breaks the silence: pop, rock and classical music for 2021 | Music

[ad_1] Sleaford Mods – Spare Ribs The title of Sleaford Mods’ sixth album is apparently an oblique reference to the fatalities in the first wave of coronavirus: “Human lives are always expendable to the elites,” in the words of vocalist Jason Williamson, “we’re in a constant state of being spare ribs.” The presence of a […]